Category: News

December 11th, 2023 – Update

Dear Friends,

We have a really quick addition for you to help start your week off on a good note. Schiffer Publishing has just printed The 11th Waffen-SS Freiwilligen Panzergrenadier Division “Nordland”: An Illustrated History. This is going to be an excellent addition to the other volumes from Schiffer’s series. We have some copies on the way to us now, and they should be here before Christmas.

This title looks really interesting and features a lot of photographs. Reserve yours now! Orders will be filled on a first-come, first-sent basis.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Take care and stay safe,

John & Natalie

December 7th, 2023 – Update

Dear Friends,

Today, we have a really interesting title for all of you of you Luftwaffe enthusiasts out there! We managed to acquire a limited number of Messerschmitt Bf 109, by Harald Helmut Vogt. Although the text is in German, the wealth of information it presents on the Bf 109 is incredible. The photos, drawings and tables definitely make up for the lack of English text – if you need to know what the text says, we hear that using your phone camera and Google translate works really well!

The retail price for this title is $90.00. However, until the end of this weekend, or end of day on Sunday, December 10th, we are offering this title for $75.00! We have a limited number of copies available, so fair warning, we will be employing a first come first serve policy. Below are a few photos we took for your review.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Take care and stay safe,

John & Natalie

December 2nd, 2023 – Update

Dear Friends,

Wow! It’s December! It feels like this year has just flown by! Speaking of flying by, we have a very quick update for you today to promote a new book by Chandos Publications, Heinkel He 115 Developmental & Operational History, 1937-1952.

We expect to have this book in stock by mid to end of January 2024. That said, we need to let the distributor know how many copies to set aside for us by the end of next week. Please let us know if you are interested in this title by placing your order/contacting us before end of day on Wednesday, December 6th, 2023.

Have a great weekend! We look forward to hearing from you!

Take care and stay safe,

John & Natalie

November 16th, 2023 – New Title Alert!

Dear Friends,

We have a big announcement today regarding a new title by Hans Lengerer, and published by Waldemar Trojca, The Aircraft Carriers of the Japanese Navy and Army, Volume II! This follow-up volume is dedicated to the actual ship technology and the related history of naval warfare, and offers in depth, background information about the machinery, armament and equipment of the aircraft carriers, such as: anti-aircraft guns, machine guns, fire control devices, rocket launchers, radar, underwater listening devices, and sonar (echo sounder). It is one of the most detailed and complete works on this topic, and a definite must-have for those interested in Japanese aircraft carriers.

Below is a listing of the book’s contents:

Chapter 7: Unryû class: Mass Production of the Medium-sized Aircraft Carrier
Chapter 8: Incomplete Conversion of CA Ibuki into Spartan Type CVL Ibuki
Chapter 9: Five Light Aircraft Carriers Converted from Other Warship or Auxiliary Ship-Types
Chapter 10: Junyô and Hiyô Conversion of Large-Sized Excellent Passenger Ships into Auxiliary Aircraft Carriers but Operated as Regular CVs
Chapter 11: Five Auxiliary Aircraft Carriers Converted from Excellent Passenger Ships
Chapter 12: Particular Aircraft Carriers of the Imperial Japanese Army and the Navy
Chapter 13: Machinery
Chapter 14: Overview of the Carrier-Based Aircraft and Their Weapons (MGs, bombs, torpedoes)
Chapter 15: Short Survey on Weapons and Equipment (HAGs, MGs, FCSs, Rocket Launcher, Radar, Hypodrome, Sonar)
Chapter 16: The Second Solomon Sea Battle (August 1942)
Chapter 17: South Pacific Sea Battle – An Attempt to Recapture Guadalcanal Island (October 1942)
Chapter 18: I Gô and Rô Gô Operations in 1943
Chapter 19: Mariana Sea Battle (June 1944) – Incredible Decimation of the Carrier-Based Air Force
Chapter 20: The Battle off of Cape Engano (October 1944) – The End of the Japanese Carrier Force
Chapter 21: Aircraft Carriers Without Wings – The Annihilation of the Floating AA-Batteries in 1945
Chapter 22: Technical Evaluation of the Japanese Aircraft Carriers

We have the books on the way to us now, by boat, from Europe. Provided that everything goes according to plan with the shipping schedule, we expect to have the them by mid-December. If anything changes, we will send out an update to inform you. As per usual, your credit card or account will not be charged until your order is mailed out.

We have a limited number of this title available. Based on sales of the 1st volume and interest expressed by you, most of the copies are spoken for. Please do not delay in placing your order!

We look forward to hearing from you!

Take care and stay safe,

John & Natalie

November 12th, 2023- Update

Dear Friends,

Just a quick update for you on this fine Sunday afternoon. This week we are featuring books from Air World, Casemate, Pen & Sword, and Frontline Books.

Forgotten War: The British Empire and Commonwealth’s Epic Struggle Against Imperial Japan, 1941–1945

Focke-Wulf Fw 190: The Latter Years – D-Day to the Fall of Germany

Air Battle for Leningrad, 1941–1944

The Breaking Storm: 10 July 1940 – 12 August 1940

Facing the Red Army in Festung Posen: First-Hand Accounts of German Soldiers on the Eastern Front in 1945

We are expecting to receive these books in about two weeks and will be placing our order on Tuesday, November 14th, 2023. Please place your orders by then to ensure you get a copy without delay!

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Take care and stay safe,

John & Natalie

November 10th, 2023 – AUCTION: WEEK 13

Dear Friends,

This week we have for your consideration the thirteenth batch of books for auction (part 3 of ours!) from the acquired collection.


Bridgehead Kurland

Crimean Campaigns

Footsteps of the Hunter

History of Panzerkorps Grossdeutschland, Vol. 2

History of Panzerkorps Grossdeutschland, Vol. 3

Hermann Goring

Hill 112

In Good Faith

In Good Faith, Vol. 2

Karl Baur: A Pilot’s Pilot

Luftwaffe Aces

Prinz Eugen

Quiet Flows the Rhine

Drama Between Budapest and Vienna

Operation Citadel: The South

Soldiers of the Waffen-SS

Totenkopf Tigers

This week, you have until midnight, Sunday, November 12th to bid.

A quick note to our customers who prefer to pay via the PayPal option. Please do not worry about sending payments right away. When we receive your order, we will email you to confirm and provide you with a breakdown of the total cost that will include shipping charges and tax, if applicable. We will then send you the PayPal request for payment.
**ATTENTION** Some of the titles from past auctions are still available at a great price! All you need to do is visit our past auction posts here. Click on the title’s link to see if you are able to access the order page. If yes, then the book is available for purchase at the posted price. If not, then the title you selected is no longer available.

We await your bids! Good luck!

John & Natalie

November 5th, 2023 – AUCTION: WEEK 12

Dear Friends,

This week we have for your consideration the twelfth batch of books for auction (part 2 of ours!) from the acquired collection. Next week we will be featuring our third, and final, part of JJ Fedorowicz Publishing books for auction.

A Better Comrade You Will Never Find

An Eclipse Without a Future

Eyes of the Division

History of Panzerregiment “Grossdeutschland”

Hot Motors, Cold Feet

Infanterie Aces

Infanterie Aces 2

Leibstandarte, Volume IV/1

Leibstandarte, Volume IV/2

Meuse First and Then Antwerp

Operation “Zitadelle”, July 1943, The Decisive Battle of WWII

Panzer Aces 2

Posen ’45


Western Front 1944: Memoirs of a Panzer Lehr Officer

Combat History of the schwere Panzer-Abteilung 508

Field Uniforms of German Army Panzer Forces in WW2

Field Uniforms of Germany’s Panzer Elite

German Armor and Special Units

Jochen Peiper, Commander, Panzer-Regiment “Leibstandarte”

Panzerkampfgruppe Strachwitz

SS Armour on the Eastern Front

Three Battles of Vitebsk

This week, you have until midnight, Wednesday, November 8th to bid.

A quick note to our customers who prefer to pay via the PayPal option. Please do not worry about sending payments right away. When we receive your order, we will email you to confirm and provide you with a breakdown of the total cost that will include shipping charges and tax, if applicable. We will then send you the PayPal request for payment.
**ATTENTION** Some of the titles from past auctions are still available at a great price! All you need to do is visit our past auction posts here. Click on the title’s link to see if you are able to access the order page. If yes, then the book is available for purchase at the posted price. If not, then the title you selected is no longer available.

We await your bids! Good luck!

John & Natalie

November 1st, 2023 – AUCTION: WEEK 11

Dear Friends,

We are back! This week we have for your consideration the eleventh batch of books for auction (ours!) from the acquired collection.

Sturmgeschutz Brigade 276

Battleground Italy

Caucasus and the Oil

Das Reich, Vol. II

Das Reich, Vol. III

Das Reich, Vol. IV

Das Reich, Vol. V

East Front Drama, 1944

European Volunteers

The Face of Courage

The Finnish Volunteer Battalion of the Waffen-SS

SS “Götz von Berlichingen”, Vol. 1

SS “Götz von Berlichingen”, Vol. 2

SS “Götz von Berlichingen”, Vol. 3

Horst Wessel

In the Firestorm of the Last Years of the War

Panzerkrieg: An Overview of German Armored Operations in World War 2

Struggle for Pomerania

Tragedy of the Faithful

The 10. Panzer-Division: In Action in the East, West and North Africa, 1939-1943

Charging Knights on the Eastern Front

Das Reich Tigers


Soldiers of the Leibstandarte

SS-Panzer-Regiment 12 in the Normandy Campaign 1944

Sturmgeschütze Vor!

Tiger: The History of a Legendary Weapon 1942-45

This week, you have until midnight, Saturday, November 4th to bid.

A quick note to our customers who prefer to pay via the PayPal option. Please do not worry about sending payments right away. When we receive your order, we will email you to confirm and provide you with a breakdown of the total cost that will include shipping charges and tax, if applicable. We will then send you the PayPal request for payment.
**ATTENTION** Some of the titles from past auctions are still available at a great price! All you need to do is visit our past auction posts here. Click on the title’s link to see if you are able to access the order page. If yes, then the book is available for purchase at the posted price. If not, then the title you selected is no longer available.

We await your bids! Good luck!

John & Natalie

October 29th, 2023 – Update

Dear Friends,

We hope that you are all enjoying a lovely weekend. We have a very short update for you today, and that’s because we are happy to announce that our auctions, after a short break, are coming back this week! So stay tuned; we will be sending out another update to advertise our 11th batch of books for auction featuring titles by….. yours truly JJ FEDOROWICZ PUBLISHING!

Now, on to this week’s update…. This week we are featuring three titles by Helion: The ‘Blue Squadrons’: The Spanish in the Luftwaffe, 1941-1944; Fallschirmjäger — In The Defense Of The Oder 1945: Schwedt, Zehden, Eberswalde, Seelow, Berlin; and Damned Hunchbacks: Italy’s Forgotten Torpedo Bomber Units of the Second World War (1940-1943).

We look forward to hearing from you!

Have a spooky week!!

John & Natalie

October 22nd, 2023 – Update

Dear Friends,

Today, we have 5 new titles for you to check out. We have a limited number of each title available for immediate shipping.

From Pen & Sword, we have: Dieppe 1942: Operation Jubilee – A Learning Curve; The Dieppe Raid – The German Perspective; and SS Panzer Battalion 501: Tigers in the Ardennes.

From PeKo, we have: WW2 Vehicles – Through the Lens, Vol. 1, and Sturmgeschutz-Abt.226 On The Battlefield.


We have been informed that these titles will be arriving in North America at the beginning of December. We expect to receive them and get them out the door to you before Christmas. If you have not ordered, please do not delay as we might be able to secure more copies before the distributor gets them.

*** Finally, please be advised that THIS WEEK we will be announcing the new Hans Lengerer (published by Waldemar Trojca) title!! We are almost ready to publish the details… Stay tuned!!! ***

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

John & Natalie

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